viernes, 4 de enero de 2019


Hello again, in this opportunity I will have to speak about the challenges of the English language.
I think the experience during the semester at some point was a bit stressful and tedious, personally I am terrible for everything in English, speaking, writing, etc., it is a very difficult language for me, I think it's because of how little I've been "interested" in the language, maybe I'd like to learn more about a language like Creole or French, but the university does not give me the opportunity to choose: '(
I find it hard to understand and pronounce the sentences exposed in the blog by the teacher, I think that is mainly due to my scarce language
In relation to the blog, at first I had difficulty writing but over time I improved. I must also recognize that due to my scarce language I often resorted to google translator or the review of a third party. For me a great difficulty of the blog was to write about something that had never asked myself before, I always had to analyze situations before I started writing and wait for divine inspiration to arrive.
I do not use English outside the classroom, it is usually a topic that I avoid, it makes me very embarrassed to speak english and at the same time not understand it, I also avoid English music due to the problems that said language produces in myself.
I must admit that in a professional context knowing English is of the utmost importance, knowing how to speak English even helps to find a better job and get better job offers.

Post 9 Post 9

Hello again, today I have to talk about what I would change or improve in my current career. I study public administration at the Universidad de Chile, the career lasts 5 years and the professional degree is  “public administrator” with a degree in political science or public administration. The curriculum of the aforementioned carreer was modified three years ago.
Speaking in a general way, I think the new curriculum is good, but it has unnecessary courses. The carreer should last 4 years instead of 5 because in most international carrers they last three years, I think Chile should not be the exception. I would like that in my country fourth year and fifth year were pass to obtain some kind of specialization in my area of work. On the other hand, I believe that more courses related to ethics should be implemented so that the quality of future professionals improves because this is the basis for preventing corruption in Chile.
The infrastructure is another point that  my carreer has to improve because when compared with other universities and even with other careers of our university the infrastructure is very backwards, the space is really precarious, in fact sometimes people have lunch sitting in the floor. However, there is a place within the school that I like a lot, it is a very comfortable corner that has synthetic grass, I also like very much the poofs installed in the hall of the university.
With regard to teachers I think it would be a mistake to generalize because there are very good teachers and some very bad ones too.

martes, 18 de diciembre de 2018

Post 8

What is your opinion about “barras bravas” (hooligans)?
I think the white bars have to disappear, all they do is kill the beauty of the sport, there must be tougher laws to punish the "brave bars" because many people stop going to the stadium due to the insecurity they feel. For this to happen, there must be a cultural change and television and advertising must be part of the change.
What is your opinion about television?
Currently, in Chile, the state television channel is almost obsolete, it only generates losses to the State and it is not able to reinvent itself, I believe that the above is a first identifiable problem in Chilean television. People do not have the same interest and often superficiality and ignorance are promoted in the different television channels, It is important to note that channels often show only one version of events (whatever the topic).
What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana and other drugs?
First of all I think that marijuana should stop being considered a hard drug, you can not compare marijuana with, for example, cocaine. The consumption and cultivation of marijuana must be decriminalized, I also think that said decriminalization must contain certain restrictions with respect to age and quantity.
What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in all cases?
With regard to abortion in general I think it is not enough to legalize it in 3 reasons, it is a matter in which we must move forward. Free and safe abortion must be, with urgency, considered a universal right of women. I believe that for free abortion to be possible they must stop legislating mostly men.

martes, 27 de noviembre de 2018

Post seven

Hello everyone, today I am going to talk about a topic that is a little complicated for me because I am too bad to watch series. I do not have the ability to spend a lot of time on one activity where I have to sit still for a long time, it is because of the above that I like to watch movies, I really like Marvel movies and romantic movies but I think my favorite saga is definitely fast and furious, together with my family we are always going to watch the movies premieres, It is a pleasure that I love to share with my family because at certain moments we are very united. After that little introduction I must say that I have seen very few series during my life although I really like the Turkish soap operas that they give daily on national channels.
I remember that the last series I saw on netflix- and in fact it's the only one I've finished- It's called”La casa de Papel”. It's a series about a robbery at the National Coin Factory in Spain, to achieve the above, a group of 8 thieves take hostages inside the factory and their leader called "The teacher" manipulates the acts of the thieves and the police so that everything goes according to the plan, prior to this the group was prepared for months so that everything went perfectly. I still look forward to the new season of the series because it is one of the few that has managed to engage me.

lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2018

Postgraduate studies

Hello everyone, at this time I will talk about the postgraduate studies I want to do. Although doing a postgraduate course has always been in my head, so far I am not very clear on the subject that I will choose to take the course on.
When you study public administration at the University of Chile, you have the option to extend your studies for a year and leave with a master's degree in political science or public management. For me any of these options is a good option because it is an opportunity that would help me save time and money.
On the other hand, I think it's good to have a continuity in studies because in a different context it's very difficult to continue studying; by different context I mean to be working and studying at the same time or have family and be studying, etc. I sincerely believe that my best option is to take advantage of the "offer" offered by the university and choose the magister in political science, although this is not a definite decision either because during the third year of this career there are many subjects related to public management and I think that at that moment I will really know which of the two areas is my favorite.
Another point in favor of studying a postgraduate course is that I would very much like to leave the country to do so and take the opportunity to get to know other cultures, countries, etc.

martes, 13 de noviembre de 2018


Hello, today I am going to talk about how I kill time in my life, I think the previous sentence has a rather ambiguous meaning or perhaps the words to express what it means are not the correct ones, in the end I will talk about what I do when I have free time. In general I consider myself a very active person, I like very much to go out and share with my friends and family, despite of during one's stay at the university one has much less free time one always has to know "kill time" at some point by doing what one likes the most.

When I have free time I love to go for a walk in different unknown places of Santiago, I love going to 
the parks and to know typical, historical and emblematic places. I also really like going to 
see plays or art exhibitions. I like to go out in my bicycle but it was stolen a while ago and I
 have not bought a new one yet. If I have to kill time between class and class in college, I like to play 
ping-pong or foose ball with my friends, although many times everything ends badly. I also like to 
kill time listening to music while I'm laying in my bed.

martes, 6 de noviembre de 2018

Post 4

This time I'm going to talk about my future work, at least what I want to achieve. Even though my current university career condemns me a little to work in the office,  
I would like to get out of that scheme and at some point in my life to dedicate myself to something else and be a little more independent.

When I leave university I would like to work for a while in Santiago to gain experience, I would like to work in the Ministerio del Deporte, Ministerio de Educación, Ministerio de Desarrollo Social or some service derived from the previous ones, they are subjects that really interest me and at least in the Ministerio del Deporte and Ministerio de Educación I would like to work in some area related to young children. After the above I would like to return to my city (San Antonio) to contribute with a grain of sand, I intend to make a political career and apply to be major. 
After a while I would like to go live to the south, as far as possible, to a very small town where there is much to contribute from public management, in general I like the south a lot and for me it would be very good to finish an era of my life somewhere quiet.