viernes, 4 de enero de 2019

Post 9 Post 9

Hello again, today I have to talk about what I would change or improve in my current career. I study public administration at the Universidad de Chile, the career lasts 5 years and the professional degree is  “public administrator” with a degree in political science or public administration. The curriculum of the aforementioned carreer was modified three years ago.
Speaking in a general way, I think the new curriculum is good, but it has unnecessary courses. The carreer should last 4 years instead of 5 because in most international carrers they last three years, I think Chile should not be the exception. I would like that in my country fourth year and fifth year were pass to obtain some kind of specialization in my area of work. On the other hand, I believe that more courses related to ethics should be implemented so that the quality of future professionals improves because this is the basis for preventing corruption in Chile.
The infrastructure is another point that  my carreer has to improve because when compared with other universities and even with other careers of our university the infrastructure is very backwards, the space is really precarious, in fact sometimes people have lunch sitting in the floor. However, there is a place within the school that I like a lot, it is a very comfortable corner that has synthetic grass, I also like very much the poofs installed in the hall of the university.
With regard to teachers I think it would be a mistake to generalize because there are very good teachers and some very bad ones too.

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