martes, 27 de noviembre de 2018

Post seven

Hello everyone, today I am going to talk about a topic that is a little complicated for me because I am too bad to watch series. I do not have the ability to spend a lot of time on one activity where I have to sit still for a long time, it is because of the above that I like to watch movies, I really like Marvel movies and romantic movies but I think my favorite saga is definitely fast and furious, together with my family we are always going to watch the movies premieres, It is a pleasure that I love to share with my family because at certain moments we are very united. After that little introduction I must say that I have seen very few series during my life although I really like the Turkish soap operas that they give daily on national channels.
I remember that the last series I saw on netflix- and in fact it's the only one I've finished- It's called”La casa de Papel”. It's a series about a robbery at the National Coin Factory in Spain, to achieve the above, a group of 8 thieves take hostages inside the factory and their leader called "The teacher" manipulates the acts of the thieves and the police so that everything goes according to the plan, prior to this the group was prepared for months so that everything went perfectly. I still look forward to the new season of the series because it is one of the few that has managed to engage me.

4 comentarios:

  1. friend I love that series, you have very good pleasures

  2. Many have told me that La Casa de Papel is a good series, I have never watched it, but I think I will see it very soon

  3. I'm interested to watch "La casa de papel" because there's a lot of people that like the series, aswell as a lot of people that don't like the series. It's a must do for the future!!
