martes, 13 de noviembre de 2018


Hello, today I am going to talk about how I kill time in my life, I think the previous sentence has a rather ambiguous meaning or perhaps the words to express what it means are not the correct ones, in the end I will talk about what I do when I have free time. In general I consider myself a very active person, I like very much to go out and share with my friends and family, despite of during one's stay at the university one has much less free time one always has to know "kill time" at some point by doing what one likes the most.

When I have free time I love to go for a walk in different unknown places of Santiago, I love going to 
the parks and to know typical, historical and emblematic places. I also really like going to 
see plays or art exhibitions. I like to go out in my bicycle but it was stolen a while ago and I
 have not bought a new one yet. If I have to kill time between class and class in college, I like to play 
ping-pong or foose ball with my friends, although many times everything ends badly. I also like to 
kill time listening to music while I'm laying in my bed.

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