martes, 30 de octubre de 2018


The truth is I listen to very little music, I am a person very fond of the subject, in general I listen to the songs that play repetitively on the radio although when I write work for college I really like to listen to reggae songs that relax me, some singers that I like a lot are Vicente García, Dread Mar I, etc., I also like bands like Los Cafres, Rawayana, Cultura Profetica, among others.
I really like the music in Spanish because I can sing it with a great feeling.  I do not like English music because I never understand what I'm singing or I can’t pronounce it well L but I can’t deny that there are wonderful songs in English, due to that  I really like to listen to songs by Rihanna, Coldplay, etc. I think my favorite song at this time in my life is “expectations” of the Magic band.
In my life music plays a role of relaxation, I enjoy soft music a lot and I like to listen to music when it comes to certain specific tasks, when I bathe I can’t do it without listening to a good list of songs.

martes, 23 de octubre de 2018

The best Holidays

For me a good holiday always includes a good friend or my family. On this occasion I will talk about a family vacation. In July 2016 I traveled to Chiloé with my mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, brother and a cousin named Josefa.

When I was 14 years old I read a book by Isabel Allende called "El cuaderno de Maya", in the book Chiloé is described in a wonderful way, from that moment I always wanted to know the island because I imagined it very mystical and mysterious although I must admit that my expectations about Chiloé were so great that they were not met.

We traveled by car from San Antonio to Chiloé, it was a very long trip, full of music and conversations. I remember when we crossed in transfers from Puerto Montt to Chiloé I really wanted to see a dolphin but at that moment I did not see any, fortunately on a trip to Coyhaique I could see 3 dolphin jumping in the sea and they are wonderful animals.
I spent 7 days in Chiloé, I visited many small towns such as Achao, Dalcahue, Chonchi, Curaco de Vélez, etc. My favorite place in the island was a beach called "Playa de los Pinguinos" it was wonderful. I would definitely visit Chiloé again because I think it still has many hidden places that I did not get to know.

martes, 16 de octubre de 2018

A country I'd like to visit

A country I'd like to visit is Mexico and at some point in my life I will go. Mexico is a country located north of the American continent, according to the World Tourism Organization is the sixth most visited country in the world.  In Mexico, exactly in the “Yucatan peninsula” is located “Chichén Itza”, one of the 7 wonders of the world. “Chichén Itza” it is a complex of Mayan ruins. In general Mexico is a country well known for its beautiful beaches and waterfalls such as "Playa Oculta", "Las Cascadas Agua Azul", etc. 

I think a typical Mexican dish that I would like to eat is the “enchiladas” but there are other typical foods like “Tamales”, “Tacos”, “Mole”, “Pozole”, etc. with respect to drinks I would like very much to try “tequila”.
If I ever go to Mexico I would like to visit Cancun because it is a city well known for its wonderful nightlife and its great tourist attractions.

martes, 9 de octubre de 2018

My life in Santiago

When I arrived in Santiago it was very difficult to adapt to the city, missing my family and my pets very much. For me Santiago was an ugly, dirty city and the people were not very nice. From my beginning I have very good friends in college but over time the confidence increased much more and I think they are a great emotional support. Over time I liked the city, I like to visit the parks and every time I travel less to my city.